Safety with Epoxy Resin: All You Need to Know!

Epoxy Resin is undoubtedly our favourite product. We love how diverse, functional and aesthetic it is. We at BohriAli believe that epoxy resin can be used by all (adult) art enthusiasts. However, there are certain basic guidelines for safety with epoxy resin, that we hope you will follow.

In this article, we have outlined safety protocols that you must follow as a resin artist. 

Always wear a mask while using epoxy resin

A 3m organic vapour mask, which is sufficient for beginners. If you are using resin on a daily basis it may make sense to invest in a dual filter half mask. 

Make sure you are in a well-ventilated room 

Movement of air is essential! Make sure you are in a room that is cross-ventilated. Do not use resin in an airconditioned room. 

The vapours that are emitted while the resin and hardener is reacting, should have a channel to exit the room.

Create a separate and safe epoxy resin pour room 

For the pouring and curing process, it is a good idea to find a well-ventilated enclosure that is free from human interruption. This room must be out of reach for kids or pets.

Make sure to wear nitrile powder-free gloves

gloves for safety with epoxy resin

Gloves are an absolute must while working with resin. We do not recommend direct contact of resin with bare hands. Gloves act as your first barrier of protection. You can buy some here!

Over the past few years we have realised that latex gloves can lead to an allergic reaction. These gloves work the best.

Have a cleanup kit ready 

Resin is not flammable. You can use a  dry cloth to wipe resin away. In case the mixture of resin and hardener falls, allow it to cure and then remove using a heat gun. When you heat the cured resin beyond 140 degrees, it becomes jelly-like and can be scraped like a sticker.

While cleaning your hands, wipe with a dry cloth first. Don’t use a sanitiser because that can break down the resin, which can react with your skin.

The tools used for Resin should only be used for it and not for anything else again, for example the weighing scale. If you would like to use the tools for multiple purposes, wrap with a plastic lining.

Safety while sanding

Make sure to use a sander that has some sort of dust extraction. Most industrial machines already have these features.

The sanding process releases fine particulate matter, which is not safe to inhale. These dust extractors, pull the dust and protect you from inhaling these dust particles.

We also recommend you wear a pair of safety glasses, to prevent these particles from entering your eyes.

Watch our sanding video here!

Resin is a wonderful material, and the art it creates is magical. However, like any craft, it requires a level of discipline and seriousness. With these fairly simple safety precautions, the resin becomes an incredible form of art which we like to believe, is for everyone. 

At Bohri Ali, we have been working with Resin every day for a long time now and never experienced any allergic reaction, sensitivity or long term complications. All this to say, that safety with epoxy resin is important but easy to achieve! The Haksons Resins are one of the highest quality and safest epoxy resins available in the market. We also have all the safety equipment you might need right here on

What safety measures do you follow while working with resin? We would love to know!

Wishing you a happy and safe epoxy resin journey! 

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