We visited one of our Online Customers and this is what he had to say!

Ever since we’ve started with BohriAli.com, our aim has been to extend the same service and experience that our customers get when they visit our shops in person in BohriAli, Pune. It is quite a task to do this when you’re shipping to locations across India from Bengal in the east to Gujarat in the west, Pathankot in the north, to towns in south Kerala and Tamil Nadu. We have a few tools through which we make this unique connection with our customers. Before purchase, it is our chat service that helps them through and after purchase it is through email and telephone that helps them contact us if they have any doubts with the products they’ve purchased from us!

We judge the customer experience on BohriAli.com using the following reference points:-

  1. Is the product ordered by the customer the same as he THINKS it is?
  2. Has the product ordered by the customer done the job that he ordered it for satisfactorily?
  3. Is he satisfied with the quality of product and the delivery experience?

A customer purchase ticking all three criterias above is considered as a successful sale and help us provide the best experience to our customers. With an online purchase, it is extremely essential that the customer choosing something online is the same as what he thinks it is going to be used for. If not, he is simply wasting his time and money on a product that he does not need. The shipping and delivery experience is then irrelevant to the customer.

At BohriAli.com, it is our endeavour to make sure that a customer purchasing from us actually gets the right product and does not waste his money on a product he does not need! This we believe is by far the most important challenge for an online company dealing with technical products.

Watch the video below that is a testimonial to BohriAli.com by one of its online customers.

Recently we visited one of our frequent customers from Pune who regularly orders material from the portal and has been in touch with us ever since his first order. We interviewed him on a range of topics and this is what he had to say about shopping at BohriAli, Pune and then about using the online portal!

You can visit our online megastore by clicking here.


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